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Viraj Narkar

Personality Quiz

Dive into the fascinating world of self-discovery with our engaging personality quiz, powered by the QSM WordPress plugin. Embark on a journey of introspection with our enhanced personality quiz, because knowing yourself is the first step to embracing your unique brilliance.

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Quiz with Navigation

Dive into a knowledge quest with our General Knowledge Quiz with Navigation for easy exploration. Made possible by the QSM WordPress plugin.

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Viraj Narkar

Flash Card Demo

Welcome to our Flash Card Demo! Experience the fun and educational power of flashcards in this interactive quiz demo. Test your knowledge and challenge yourself

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Advanced Leaderboard Demo

This quiz is made with advanced leaderboard addon that helps you display the list or graph of the leaderboard based on the responses received in your quiz.

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Viraj Narkar

Landing Page Addon Demo

This is a Landing Page Addon Demo. It has been created to provide an understanding of how the Landing Page Addon works for quizzes in QSM

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Viraj Narkar

Fun Trivia Quiz

Welcome to our Fun Trivia Quiz Demo! Test your knowledge and have fun with this interactive quiz that covers a wide range of interesting topics.

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